We provide a complex coverage for financial agents – create your own system! We offer wide possibilities of services - credits, deposits, insurance, pension or investments. Do you need change? Do you seek more favorable services for you, your clients and colleagues? Contact us, we know how to do it!

Pension and Investments
- II. tier (old-age retirement savings
- III. tier (supplemental retirement savings
- conservative investor
- balanced investor
- dynamic investor
- commodities (gold, platinum, crude oil, coffee, cotton, ....
- advisory services, strategy setup and active portfolio management

Non-life Insurance
- Mandatory Contract Insurance from € 57.85
- Motor Hull Insurance (accident, theft, collision with game, natural disasters,....
- front window car insurance
- assistance services, whole world
- liability insurance
- travel insurance
- real-estate and household insurance

Life Insurance
- investment life insurance (from 10€/month)
- capital life insurance
- risk insurance (death, injury, work incapability, illness, disablement, .....
- children insurance (study, dowry insurance)
- insurance of professional sportsmen

- refinancing from 3.5% p.a.
- real-estate credit from 3.á% p.a.
- mortgage with state contribution
- consumer credit from 5.5% p.a.
- vehicles, machines and equipment leasing from 3.5% p.a.